
In addition to the essential need for a reduced carbon footprint, attention is increasingly being paid to conserving the planet’s  most precious resource – water.

In an effort to increasingly meet both these objectives, Improvon commenced with the implementation of resource saving systems at all of its new developments. These initiatives not only assist in delivering on the company’s environmental goals, but set an examples for tenants and the industry in being more mindful of a greener way to work and live.


Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity. Operating via this method, Photovoltaic Panels are fitted to feed this generated electricity directly into the building. These PV panels are used to supplement grid fed electricity during the daytime, which reduce the dependency on traditional power sources as well as the company’s carbon footprint. The benefit of using this system is that it will offer a long terms saving on the cost of electricity.


Required by legislation, solar geysers and heat pumps alike, are brilliant mechanisms used to heat water by making use of natural elements like sunlight and the temperature of surrounding air. Being exposed to direct sunlight or the surrounding air, solar geysers heat their water storage during the day, while heat pumps use the ambient air temperature by way of a compressor to heat up water. One may be favoured over the other, depending on the design of the building, but they both reduce electricity consumption and one’s carbon footprint considerably.


A grey water plant is a system that collects and saves the wastewater from basins and showers in a storage tank. This water is treated and then used to irrigate surrounding gardens. A grey water plant is an excellent cost saver as it reuses 80% of water needed and assists when water restrictions are implemented.


A rain water harvesting system is simply an underground tank that captures and stores runoff roof water. This water is reused in the building as flushing water for toilets and urinals, yet another innovation that saves you on water expenditure.


LED lamps have a 25% higher efficiency than T5HO fluorescent lamps. LED lamps decrease maintenance costs (re-lamping) by 30% to 40% compared to normal fluorescent lamps.

LED lamps are further able to withstand shaking and vibration more readily without breaking and works well in hot or cold environments. It is able to withstand moderate power surges and not impacted by frequent on/off cycling.

*Green energy initiatives depend on client specifications and are optional extras


This is an outside water pond that captures and stores storm run-off water from paving and roof areas. This run-off water can be re-used to irrigate surrounding gardens and as flushing water for toilets and urinals.


Insulation is an important component used in all of Improvon’s recent developments to reduce thermal transfer through walls, floors and ceilings. This is accomplished by fitting insulating materials in cavity walls, ceilings and floors. In doing so, more summer heat is kept outside the building, making for a more consistent and comfortable temperature inside. During winter, heat from inside the building is maintained. With a more consistent inside temperature, the use of HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) systems is reduced, saving on electricity costs.


Special consideration is taken by fitting double-glazing or Low Emissivity (Low-E) glass to window frames according to office requirements. Double glazing insulates and reduces heat transfer, while Low-E glass prevents radiation transfer. In doing so, both these components enhance the overall building’s comfort and insulation.


Through the carefully planned orientation of Improvon’s buildings and the use of sun shading devices like louvers and parapets, the adverse effects of direct sunlight exposure are limited. This still allows for natural light to filter through, without excessive internal heat build up.